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Dec 18th - House Impeaches Trump Jan 8th - First CDC warning Jan 9th - Trump campaign rally Jan 14th - Trump campaign rally Jan 16h - House sends impeachment articles to Senate Jan 18th - Trump golfs Jan 19th - Trump golfs Jan 20th - first case of corona virus in the US, Washington State. Jan 22nd - “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” Jan 28th - Trump campaign rally Jan 30th - Trump campaign rally Feb 1st - Trump golfs Feb 2nd - “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China." Feb 5th - Senate votes to acquit. Then takes a five-day weekend. Feb 10th - Trump campaign rally Feb 12th - Dow Jones closes at an all time high of 29,551.42 Feb 15h - Trump golfs Feb 19th - Trump campaign rally Feb 20th - Trump campaign rally Feb 21st - Trump campaign rally Feb 24th - “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” Feb 25h - “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.” Feb 25h - “I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.” Feb 26th - “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.” Feb 26th - “We're going very substantially down, not up.” Also "This is a flu. This is like a flu"; "Now, you treat this like a flu"; "It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner." February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” Feb 28th - “We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical.” Feb 28th - Trump campaign rally. “This is their new hoax.” March 2nd - “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?” March 2nd - “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.” March 4: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.” March 5th - “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.” March 5th - “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!” March 6th - “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.” March 6th - “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.” March 6th - “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.” March 6th - “I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault.” March 7th - Trump golfs March 8th - Trump golfs March 8th - “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.” March 9th - “This blindsided the world.” March 13th - [Declared state of emergency] March 17th - “This is a pandemic,” Mr. Trump told reporters. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.” March 18th - "It’s not racist at all. No. Not at all. It comes from China. That’s why. It comes from China. I want to be accurate." March 23th- Dow Jones closes at 18,591.93 March 25th - 3.3 million Americans file for unemployment. March 30th - Dow Jones closes at 21,917.16 April 4th - 6.6 million Americans file for unemployment. 300,000 infected with COVID-19, 1300 deaths in one day. |
World 16:12, 12-Apr-2020 How China 'LIED' to the world – a Swedish girl's message to family Updated 17:49, 12-Apr-2020 Global Stringer Share *4 months ago* *China:* OK there's a new virus. From now on no one moves around. If you go out, you must wear a mask. Nationwide lockdown and quarantine policies implemented. *The West:* Don't trust anything these f**ing commies say! It's just a flu! They are trying to control everyone's life! There's no need for masks. *Asia:* Let's take measures, wear masks and control frontiers. File photo of Wuhan after lockdown. /Xinhua *3 months ago* *China:* Start building hospitals so the medical system doesn't get overwhelmed. *The West:* It's a concentration camp! They are murdering people out there! They are untrustworthy! *Asia:* We keep our distance and security high. File photo of Leishenshan Hospital during construction. /Xinhua *2 month ago* *China:* We are experiencing a surge of patients and this virus is super infectious via air and physical contact. We are also experiencing shortage on medical supplies and medical practitioners. Pulling everything from the country to Wuhan. *The West:* Look how backward they are, not even having enough PPE for their doctors and nurses. They are clearly wrong about the method of transmission, that's why they are making everyone wear masks. They've even locked down the country and stopped the economy. What a bunch of idiots. *Whole Asia:* Are those Western countries gonna do something? File photo of medical teams before departing to Wuhan. /Xinhua *Over a month ago* *China:* Numbers are reducing. People are slowly getting back to work now. *The West:* F**ing liar! We are seeing numbers in Italy and it clearly doesn't match data from China! Millions of Chinese people must have died! It's still spreading! *Whole Asia:* Why do they say masks are useless? File photo of workers from CSCEC going back to work. /Xinhua *A month ago* *China:* Dude, why are things getting out of control out there? Where are your hospitals and why are you not in total lockdown? Were you just sitting there pointing fingers at me for three months, and did nothing? *The West:* You commies never told us how dangerous this virus is! You've been giving us false data the whole time!!! *China:* I don't understand. If you never trusted me, and when I said it's a big deal, you insisted it's actually a small flu, why do you maintain that millions of people must have died in China? If you think the number of deaths must be very high, doesn't that indicate it's a dangerous virus and you should be prepared? How could you believe millions of people have died, but at the same time not recognizing it's dangerous? *The West:* It's only a big deal in a backward country like yours, where people are poor and unhygienic, where the medical system is still in the 50's, where the government covers up figures and doesn't alarm people [as to] how dangerous it is! It shouldn't affect advanced countries like us! *China:* But it is with you and killing your people now!!! Do something about it so you can still save lives!!! *The West:* Not before we found everything we can blame on you!!! It's too late for us to do something now, people will just die and eventually we'll have herd immunity, but you must take the full responsibility for it! File photo of Donald Trump during press conference. /Reuters *Now* *World:* China, help us! We need masks, ventilators, PPE etc. *China:* To the best of my ability, I'll send PPE and medical personnel. *The West:* You helped out of ulterior political motives to expand your influence! Your numbers are fake. Tons of people died in your country. Our superior system technology and medicine are the proof that this virus couldn't be beaten with such low death numbers. *Whole Asia:* What about all our numbers? Much lower than China? *England:* I'm going to sue you for billions of dollars and make you take responsibility for all that mess. File photo of factory manufacturing masks. /Xinhua (Text by Amie Blomquist) |
Kardashev civilizations is a scheme for classifying advanced technological civilizations proposed by Nikolai Kardashev1 in 1964. He identified three possible types and distinguished between them in terms of the power they could muster for the purposes of interstellar communications. A Type I civilization would be able to marshal energy resources for communications on a planet-wide scale, equivalent to the entire present power consumption of the human race, or about 1016 watts. A Type II civilization would surpass this by a factor of approximately ten billion, making available 1026 watts, by exploiting the total energy output of its central star. Freeman Dyson, for example, has shown in general terms how this might be done with a Dyson sphere. Finally, a Type III civilization would have evolved far enough to tap the energy resources of an entire galaxy. This would give a further increase by at least a factor of 10 billion to about 1036 watts. Carl Sagan pointed out that the energy gaps between Kardashev's three types were so enormous that a finer gradation was needed to make the scheme more useful. A Type 1.1 civilization, for example, would be able to expend a maximum of 1017 watts on communications, a Type 2.3 could utilize 1029 watts, and so on. He estimated that, on this more discriminating scale, the human race would presently qualify as roughly a Type 0.7. https://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/K/Kardashevciv.html |
借用卡尔达舍夫等级(每100亿倍一级): 本金翻100倍进入一类“文明”; 一类“文明”翻100倍进入二类“文明”; 二类“文明”翻100倍进入三类“文明”; 以此类推... 您是几类“文明”? |
转自“一个职业交易者的记录” 靠炒股赚钱很不靠谱的: 1)套住就死扛的,某一天持有股票破产退市,gameover 2)追涨杀跌的,在某一段时间会一买就跌,一卖就涨,资金持续缩水,gameover 3)搞价值投资的人重仓某股,结果持有的蓝筹股一下变成垃圾股,死不认输,套住最后gameover 4)每天做T赚差价,结果碰到一个超级熊市,股票下跌打三折,T的机会都很少,好多年翻不了身,gameover 5)高杠杆,依仗眼疾手快,结果某一天买到今天涨停,后面几天连续跌停的股票,一下被清盘,gameover 6)有内幕消息的,某一天庄家被套无奈只能故意透消息找人来接盘,进场接盘后发现庄家撤了 1.没有经历过1994年熊市的股民,不会相信会有某一天全部股票都几倍市盈率的情况出现 2.没有经历过530的,不会相信有一半是火焰,一半是海水的局面出现 3.没经历过股灾的,不会相信千股跌停的情况出现 4.没经历过2008年熊市的,不相信会有股票一年内整体打三折的情况出现 5.没经历过2001-2005年熊市的,不会相信熊市会持续这么长时间的。 更没有人相信中国未来十年可能会1+2+3+4+5,过去中国股市经历的都是长周期的超级牛市中,上面只是几只小熊。 现在开始我们经历的却有可能是一个长周期超级熊市,唯一的希望可能是偶尔会出现几个小牛。 |
没有财富野心,就没有财富,赚钱的八大定律 作者:Amy朗硕商学院创始人 链接:https://www.jianshu.com/p/8480db8755c8 来源:简书 著作权归作者所有。 商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 赚钱第一定律:你要做羊,还是做狼? 有人说得好:“换个方向,你就是第一。 ”因为大多数人都是一个方向,千军万马都一样的思维,一样的行为,是群盲,就象羊群一样。 你要做羊,还是做狼? 数英雄,论成败,天下财富在谁手?10%的人拥有90%的财富,90%的人拥有10%的财富。 你要想富,你就得研究富的办法,研究富翁的思想和行为,象富人那样做,立下雄心壮志,做出不凡的业绩,很快你就是富翁! “富人思来年,穷人思眼前”,这就是赚钱第一定律! 赚钱第二定律:树立起金钱遍地都是,赚钱很容易的观念! 物以类聚,钱以人分。 你必须对钱有浓厚的兴趣,感觉赚钱很有意思,很好玩,你喜欢钱,钱才能喜欢你。 这决不是拜金主义,而是金钱运行的内在规律,不信你看那些富翁都喜欢钱,都能把钱玩得非常了得,看看比尔盖茨,看看沃伦巴菲特,看看乔治索罗斯。 金钱遍地都是,赚钱很容易。 你必须确立这样的观念。 如果你觉得赚钱很难,那么赚钱真的很难。 那些大富翁没有一个认为赚钱难的,反倒认为花钱太难。 你要牢记,赚钱真的很容易,随便动动脑筋就能来钱。 这可不是教你吹牛,这是赚大钱,当富翁的思想基础,你不得不信! 正确认识钱,树立正确的金钱观念,这是赚钱的第二定律! 赚钱第三定律:最简单的方法最赚钱! 复杂的方法只能赚小钱,简单的方法才能赚大钱,而且方法越简单越赚大钱。 比如,比尔盖茨只做软件,就做到了世界首富;沃伦巴菲特专做股票,很快做到了亿万富翁; 乔治索罗斯一心搞对冲基金,结果做到金融大鳄;英国女作家罗琳,40多岁才开始写作,而且专写哈里波特,竟然写成了亿万富婆。 具体讲,每个行业都有赚大钱的方法: 在商品零售业,沃尔玛始终坚持“天天平价”的理念,想方设法靠最低价取胜,结果做成了世界最大; 在股市,沃伦巴菲特一直坚持“如果一只股票我不想持有10年,那我根本就不碰它一下”的原则炒股; 在日本战败后,美国品质大师戴明博士应邀到日本给松下、索尼、本田等许多家企业讲课,他只讲了最简单的方法“每天进步1%”,结果日本这些企业家真照着做了,并取得了神效,可以说日本战后经济的崛起有戴明博士的功劳。 你说他们的方法简单不简单? 简单的方法赚大钱,复杂的方法赚小钱,这是赚钱的第三定律。 赚钱第四定律:赚大钱一定要有目标! 有大目标的人赚大钱,有小目标的人赚小钱,没有目标的人永远为衣食发愁。 你是哪类人? 没有目标,欲说还休,欲说还休,却道赚钱真忧愁! 要赚钱,你必须有赚钱的野心。 野心是什么?野心就是目标,就是理想,就是梦想,就是企图,就是行动的动力! 试看天下财富英雄,都是野心家,比如洛克菲勒、比尔盖茨、孙正义等等。 没有财富野心,就没有财富。 有野心不是坏事,有野心才有动力、有办法、有行动。 赚钱的野心要越大越好,这不是教你干坏事,干坏事的野心要越小越好。 从现在开始,你要立即“做梦”,当一个野心家,设定赚钱的大目标:终生目标,10年目标,5年目标,3年目标,以及年度目标。 然后制定具体计划,开始果敢的行动。 万事开头难,有目标就不难,创富是从制定目标开始的。 天下没有不赚钱的行业,没有不赚钱的方法,只有不赚钱的人。 “人穷烧香,志短算命。 ”要赚钱,你一定要有目标,一定要有野心,这是赚钱的第四定律。 赚钱第五定律:一定要用脑子赚钱! 想当初,比尔盖茨怎么就会做软件,怎么就会搞视窗,因为他想到了,正如他自己说的“我眼光好”。 亚洲首富孙正义在美国读书时没钱就发明翻译机,一下卖了一百万美元,后来开办软件银行,他的头脑和眼光也了不得。 好孩子集团老板宋郑还是靠卖发明专利起家的,第一项发明卖了4万元,第二项发明别人出价8万元要买,但他不卖,自己投入生产,结果成了世界童车大王。 现在有的人确实靠嘴巴赚了钱,但他说话之前首先必须想好说什么。 也有些人企图靠耳朵赚钱,自己不动脑,到处打听消息,特别在股市里,今天听个内幕消息就买,明天听个小道消息就卖,跟风头,随大流,最后被套赔钱,现在大多数股民都这样,不知道自己的脑子是干什么的! 世界上所有富翁都是最会用脑子赚钱的,你就是把他变成穷光蛋,他很快又是富翁,因为他会用脑。 洛克菲勒曾放言:“如果把我所有财产都抢走,并将我扔到沙漠上,只要有一支驼队经过,我很快就会富起来。 ” 让我们再来看看脑白金和黄金搭档,史玉柱的东山再起启示我们,只要把脑子用活,失败了还会成功,再赚钱是不成问题的。 赚钱第六定律:要赚大钱一定要敢于行动! 天下财富遍地流,看你敢求不敢求。 金钱多么诱人啊,但要赚大钱一定要敢于行动! 世界没有免费的午餐,也没有天上掉下来的馅饼。 不行动你不可能赚钱,不敢行动你赚不了大钱。 敢想还要敢干,不敢冒险只能小打小闹,赚个小钱。 我行我富!试看天下财富英雄都是有胆有识有行动力的,想当年比尔盖茨放弃哈佛大学学业,白手起家创办微软,是何等的胆识和行动力。 美国最年轻的亿万富翁迈克戴尔,在大学读书时就组装电脑卖,感到不过瘾便开办电脑公司,是何等另人钦佩。 甲骨文公司老板埃里森不仅放弃哈佛学业,赚取260亿美金,还回哈佛演讲,鼓动学生退学,被警察拖下讲坛。 还有网易丁磊、健力宝张海、实德徐明等等,他们之所以有今天的业绩,就在于他们当初敢于冒险,敢于行动。 你敢富吗?绝大多数人不敢!其实大多数人都没想富,别说敢富。 现在人们谈论财富越来越多,但许多人说得多,做得少。 要知道:“说是做的仆人,做是说的主人”。 我们许多经济学家谈财富头头是道,但他们谁富了? 中国的股评家评起股来夸夸其谈,但他们谁炒股赚大钱了?如果他们能赚大钱,就不会当股评家了!所以你要炒股,千万不要相信股评家! 德国行动主义哲学家费希特说过:“行动,行动,这是我们最终目的。 ” 要想富,快行动,不要怕,先迈出一小步,然后再迈出一大步。 记住:“利润和风险是成正比的” 赚钱第七定律:想赚大钱一定要学习赚钱! 聪明的穷人们啊,你们的智商很高,但你们的财商太低,你们穷得太可怜了!不过高尔基说过:“自学是没有围墙的大学”,你们可以自学赚钱知识。 人非生而知之,谁天生就会赚钱?财商和智商不同,智商有天生的成份,而财商100%需要后天学习提高。 孙正义、李嘉诚、史玉柱等所有大富翁,都不是一生下来就会赚钱,但他们都有两个共同特点:一是有强烈的赚钱企图心,二是有很强的学习力,正是由于他们善于学习赚钱,所以他们超越常人,登上财富巅峰。 英雄起于草莽,英雄不问出处。 真正的赚钱者,都是阅读者。 你想当富翁吗?你想跨入财富英雄行列吗? 那你就赶快学习赚钱:读赚钱书报、听赚钱讲座、向财富精英学习、向身边高人请教等等。 比如,炒股你要学习沃伦巴菲特,尤其学他简单的投资理念。 创业你要学习孙正义,他在两年之内读了4000本书。 还有李嘉诚,他为了创业专门到别的公司打工偷艺。 向成功者学,像成功者那样干,增长你的智慧,提高你的财商,总结赚钱的秘笈,很快你就会富。 赚钱的第八定律:赚大钱一定要选择! 在市场多样化加速、越来越细分的时代,只有选择才能成功。 沃尔玛只选择做商品零售,可口可乐只卖饮料,肯德基、麦当劳只卖汉堡,日本的松下、索尼、三洋只做电器。 选择的目的就是专一和专注。 我国许多知名大企业现在开始走多元化的路子,包括海尔在内,其实多元化之路危机四伏,很有可能要失败,四通、飞龙、轻骑的失败就是例证。 史玉柱做保健品很成功,刚一多元化就失败,现在他吸取教训,做保健品重新获得成功。 你要创业,你选择什么?根据多年对世界财富精英的分析,富豪们大多涉猎股票和地产。 事实上美国和欧洲60%以上的人投资股票。 炒股一定要专一,就象对老婆一样。 中外股市大赢家很少是短线高手,大多是长线老牛,沃伦巴菲特是其中最著名的。 他告诉我们:“如果一只股票我不想持有10年,我就根本不碰它一下”;“不要多样化,要把所有鸡蛋放到一个篮子里,然后密切关注它。 ”我国一些庄家多年来专做几只股票,有的甚至2、3年内只炒一只股票,结果赢利甚丰。 |
截至7月3日24时新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情最新情况 发布时间: 2020-07-04 来源: 卫生应急办公室 7月3日0—24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例3例,其中境外输入病例2例(上海1例,广东1例),本土病例1例(在北京);无新增死亡病例;新增疑似病例2例,其中境外输入病例1例(在上海),本土病例1例(在北京)。 当日新增治愈出院病例10例,解除医学观察的密切接触者794人,重症病例较前一日减少2例。 境外输入现有确诊病例66例(无重症病例),现有疑似病例2例。 累计确诊病例1925例,累计治愈出院病例1859例,无死亡病例。 截至7月3日24时,据31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告,现有确诊病例402例(其中重症病例6例),累计治愈出院病例78509例,累计死亡病例4634例,累计报告确诊病例83545例,现有疑似病例7例。 累计追踪到密切接触者763277人,尚在医学观察的密切接触者4993人。 31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增无症状感染者4例(境外输入3例);当日无转为确诊病例;当日解除医学观察3例(境外输入1例);尚在医学观察无症状感染者98例(境外输入61例)。 累计收到港澳台地区通报确诊病例1742例。 其中,香港特别行政区1247例(出院1125例,死亡7例),澳门特别行政区46例(出院45例),台湾地区449例(出院438例,死亡7例)。 ? ? (注:媒体引用时,请标注“信息来自国家卫生健康委员会官方网站”。 ) |
就是这儿,请让我强调一点。 我已经在华尔街打滚多年,赢过千百万美元,也亏过千百 万美元,我要给你的忠告是:我之所以挣大钱,从来不是凭我的作为,而是始终凭我的无为。 明白吗?凭我的耐心坚守。 正确判断市场方向,其实没有什么奥妙可言。 你总是发现很多人 在牛市早期便已经看多,在熊市早期便已经看空。 我认识许多人,他们都有能力精准把握时 机并正确行动,当价格恰恰处在有潜力造就巨额利润之处时,便开始买进或卖出。 然而,他 们的经历总是和我同出一辙——也就是说,他们都没有从中实现真正算数的利润。 既能够正 确判断,又能够耐心坚守,这样的人凤毛麟角。 我发现,这属于最难学会的内容之一。 但是, 作为一名股票作手,只有牢牢掌握这一点之后,才能赚大钱。 对一名交易者来说,真正学会 交易后赢得百万美元,比他在懵里懵懂的日子要挣几百美元还容易。 “会者不难,难者不会”, 千真万确。 股票大作手回忆录 修订版 Reminiscences of a Stock Operator 美】埃德温·勒菲弗(Edwin Lefevre)著 丁圣元 译 |
转自 “从100万到1000万之路” "王尔德:投资成功的关键——耐力胜过头脑。 不论你使用什么方法选股或挑选股票投资基金,最终的成功与否取决于一种能力,即不理睬环境的压力而坚持到投资成功的能力;决定选股人命运的不是头脑而是耐力。 敏感的投资者,不管他多么的聪明,往往经受不住命运不经意的打击,而被赶出市场。 ” "有的专家是说的好听,其实是一点都不行,其实做股票,最难的是心态。 屁股比脑袋更重要。 你就是重仓低价位买了好的股票,不一定赚大钱。 只要坐的住的人才能赚大钱。 只有即能驾驭股市又能坐的住的人才了不起。 只有这样,投资者才能赚大钱。 " "(转)一个前辈大哥从5万16年变成了3个亿,有次与他吃饭席间,给我传授了很多盈利的窍门,听得我很是心动。 而最后他却跟我说了一句话却是我最大的收获:“兄弟,这么挣不了大钱,我的钱主要也不是这么挣的。 ”三只股票成就了神话,四川长虹、同方股份、贵州茅台完成了这个公式:5万*15*15*25=2.8亿。 ” "其实做投资,你不能用显微镜去看股票,就像2005年的山东黄金,那时一个文章说山东黄金的员工都不买自家的股票,说这个公司不值的投资。 放到现在那真是赚了多少倍了。 只要大方向正确了,就可以了。 太拘泥于小结,赚不来钱。 也只有在大多数人不敢买的时候,你买进你才能赚大钱。 成功总是少数人。 " “一些人通过借来的钱成为巨富,但也有人因此一贫如洗。 杠杆是具有诱惑力的,一旦从中获利,很少有人愿意回归保守的操作方式。 2008年金融危机中或许体会到,无论多大的数字,和零相乘后都化为乌有。 历史告诉我们,即便由多聪明的人操纵,金融杠杆经常会导致“零”。 ”(巴菲特今年致股东信) ” “证券市场就是让预测大师们出尽洋相的场所”格雷厄姆在去世前几个月的时候说:“如果说我在华尔街60多年的经验中发现过什么的话,那就是从来没有人能够成功地预测股市波动。 ” “现在低成本的网络媒体,已经成被垃圾假信息,黑嘴,博点击率,各方利益所充斥。 真正有价值的信息没有多少。 少上网看新闻。 ” “股票投资懂得人很多,但能拿住一家公司股票10年的人却极少。 能拿得住比你懂的理论知识更重要。 从我这么多年的经验教训来看,有”趴着不动“的能力才是投资赚大钱的核心。 ” 史玉柱 : “两年前金融危机,国外分析师均认为中国GDP将负成长,危机期很长。 我公司也被吓坏,对政府解决经济危机产生怀疑,做出了抱着现金过冬的错误决策。 低价出掉持股七八年的大量金融股,虽获利超过健康和网游业务累计利润总和,但与数月后股价相比减少几十亿。 怀疑党的宏观经济把控能力,是要付沉重代价滴! ”“国际投行分析师们突然一致唱空中国经济,大嘴乌鸦们对中国实际情况缺乏基本了解,历史上无数次低估中国共产党对经济的把控能力。 " "20年来,当入降低汽车关税,开放汽车业时,预言家们说,没有核心竞争力的国产汽车末日将来临。 开放金融业时,说国有银行、保险要大批倒闭。 20年过去巴菲特买了国产汽车比亚迪的股票,有几个国人把钱存进了外国银行?有多少人买国外保险? 什么平台贷款都会成过眼烟云的!" "大多数人会什么在股市上不能赚钱,不是笨,是太聪明了。 总想赚快钱。 " "戴维斯双击,周期性投资金融类股票,从低PE买入到高PE卖出。 " "巴菲特的投资理论懂得人很多,但像巴菲特这样能把一家公司股权持有30年的人,简直凤毛麟角。 正是坐的住,拿的稳,容忍公司犯小错误,才是巴菲特真正的核心思想。 巴菲特:"就像你经营一家农场,不会因为某一年气候原因颗粒无收而立即卖掉农场!“ 风风雨雨,与公司同成长,才是投资赚大钱的核心。 " "我07年的时候如果当初没有换股,无论是唐钢股份,还是兴业银行,07年就能赚到好几倍的。 凡是能赚大钱的,都是不换股。 结果吃亏吃大了,换股换成了一场空,换股的教训! 工作做事情,也是一样的道理,受诱惑而变动的结果往往不会太好。 " “1. 多反省唐钢股份从7.36元买入7.8元卖,结果涨到29元的惨剧。 2。 多反省兴业银行30元买,跌到28元,几个月结果涨到70元的惨剧。 2次卖,原因各不同,鼠标一点结果我到现在还是贫困。 股市里记住:屁股坐得住比脑袋更重要!” ”美裔英籍投资大师坦普顿认为,一个人靠投资取得的财富,是由这个人的内在财富决定的。 真正的投资者就像一个拾金者,他拾捡的是他内在的财富。 他内在的财富越多,他拾到的外在财富就越多。 ” "用一年的数据来评判一家企业的好坏,这本身就已经愚蠢至极,何况是用一个季度的数据呢!" 周立波:“有没有发现?成功的人一般都比较简单!失败的人一般都比较复杂!这和打麻将很像,算得最精得,往往是输得最多得! ” ----转载 |
China's Tianwen 1 Mars probe carried out its first mid-course correction maneuver on Sunday morning, according to the China National Space Administration. The administration said in a statement that the maneuver took place at 7:00 am when one of the spacecraft's main engines was activated and worked 20 seconds. By that time, Tianwen 1 had flown more than ninedays and 18 hours in an Earth-Mars transfer trajectory toward the red planet, travelling about 3 million kilometers, the statement said, adding that the probe was in good condition. During the probe's seven-month spaceflight toward Mars, it will make several mid-course corrections and deep-space maneuvers to make sure it is precisely aimed at the planet. China launched Tianwen 1, the country's first independent Mars mission, on July 23 at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China's Hainan province, opening the nation's planetary exploration program. If everything goes according to schedule, the five-metric ton Tianwen 1, which consists of two major parts – the orbiter and the landing capsule -- will travel more than 400 million kilometers before getting captured by the Martian gravitational field. The mission's ultimate goal is to soft-land a rover on the Martian soil to make scientific surveys. The spacecraft has begun to conduct its scientific operations as the Mars Energetic Particle Analyzer, mounted on the orbiter, has been activated and transmitted data back to the ground control. It is the first of the 13 scientific apparatus on the probe to start operating and will be the longest working device during the journey toward the Martian gravitational field. Earlier this week, the Tianwen 1 probe sent back a picture of Earth and the moon, which was taken by its optical navigation sensor when it was about 1.2 million kilometers away from Earth at the time the photo was shot, to ground control. The picture is the first image from the spacecraft that has been made public. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202008/02/WS5f25fa3ba31083481725d9b8_1.html |
NASA's latest Mars rover Perseverance launched on Thursday on an astrobiology mission to look for signs of ancient microbial life on the Red Planet-and to fly a helicopter-drone on another world for the first time. Previous trips to Mars have discovered it was far warmer and wetter 3 billion years ago than it is today, creating the conditions necessary for carbon-based life. Perseverance's goal is to go a step further, and discover whether "habitable" translated to "habited". "There would be no bigger discovery in the history of humanity than finding life that is not on our own world," NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said. "If we were to make a discovery that it in fact was, everything from that point forward is going to be 'Okay, what other life is out there? How do we get to it? How do we study it'?" An Atlas V rocket carrying Perseverance's spaceship took off on schedule at 7:50 am from Cape Canaveral, Florida, and its stages separated according to plan. But as the spacecraft passed through the Earth's shadow, the temperature of a heating system dropped, triggering a "safe mode" that switched off all but essential systems. NASA said it hadn't encountered this problem before because previous spaceships followed a different flight path, but added the issue was not serious and the vessel would soon be back in normal mode. If all goes to plan, Perseverance will reach Mars on Feb 18, becoming the fifth rover to complete the voyage since 1997. Last week, China launched Tianwen-1, its first Mars rover, which should arrive by May. By next year, Mars could have three active rovers, including NASA's Curiosity, which landed in 2012. Faster and smarter Perseverance is an improved version of Curiosity-faster, smarter, and capable of autonomously navigating 200 meters per day. About the size of a small SUV, it weighs a metric ton, has 19 cameras and two microphones-which scientists hope will be the first to record sound on Mars. It has a 2-meter-long robotic arm, and is powered by a small nuclear battery. Once on the surface, NASA will deploy the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter-a 1.8-kilogram aircraft that will attempt to fly in an atmosphere that is only 1 percent the density of Earth's. The idea is to lay down a proof of concept that could one day revolutionize planetary exploration, since rovers can only cover a few dozen kilometers in their whole life-spans and are vulnerable to sand dunes and other obstacles. Another goal is to help pave the way for future human missions-and a major obstacle is the planet's atmosphere of 96 percent carbon dioxide. Liquid oxygen can be brought from Earth, or oxygen can be mined from ice underneath the Martian surface. But Perseverance's primary mission is to scour the planet for evidence of ancient life-forms. The rover's drill will collect around 30 intact rock cores and place them in test tubes, to be collected by a future joint US-European mission. It will be the job of Earth Return Orbiter, an Airbus satellite, to grab the packaged samples and then ship them back to Earth, with the hope that they will arrive by 2031. Indisputable proof of past life on Mars will most likely not be confirmed, if it exists, until these samples are analyzed, which is unlikely to happen before the 2030s. Agencies and Jonathan Powell in London contributed to this story. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202008/01/WS5f24c53fa31083481725d8b5.html |
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202011/08/WS5fa6d2ffa31024ad0ba83c37_1.html After four days of nail-biting suspense following Election Day on Nov 3, former US vice-president Joe Biden was declared president-elect Saturday morning, whose immediate challenges would be to lead and rid the country of a sweeping COVID-19 pandemic and the grip of a confluence of economic and social turbulence. Biden's triumph made Republican President Donald Trump the first US president since 1992 to fail to win a second term, and his running mate Kamala Harris will become the first American woman to serve as vice-president, as well as its first Black and South Asian-American to shatter a significant glass ceiling. Biden was declared to have defeated Trump Saturday morning, when major US media outlets, including The Associated Press, CNN, CBS and FOX News, called the key battleground state of Pennsylvania for the 77-year-old. By Saturday evening, Biden had taken at least 273 electoral votes against Trump, according to some media projections. Other forecasts have a higher number of electoral votes for Biden, far above the 270 that is needed to win the White House. "With the campaign over, it's time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation," Biden said in a statement. "It's time for America to unite. And to heal." |
https://news.yahoo.com/live-results-2020-election-day-trump-biden-050117825.html Joe Biden, now president-elect, declares it is 'time to heal in America’ Yahoo News' David Knowles, Brittany Shepherd and Hunter Walker report: In his first speech as president-elect on Saturday, Joe Biden said he hoped to unify the nation after an especially bitter campaign with President Trump, who has so far refused to concede defeat in the race. “Folks, the people of this nation have spoken,” said Biden on an outdoor stage at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del., as a crowd of people, many of them watching from inside their cars, honked and cheered approval. “They’ve delivered us a clear victory, a convincing victory, a victory for we the people. We won with the most votes ever cast on a presidential ticket in the history of the nation, 74 million!” Biden repeatedly sought to reinforce his message during the campaign that he would seek to be a president to all Americans, regardless of whether they had voted for him. |
There's a hero If you look inside your heart You don't have to be afraid Of what you are There's an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you It's a long road When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand For you to hold You can find love If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt Will disappear And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow But don't let anyone Tear them away Hold on There will be tomorrow In time You'll find the way And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you "Hero" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey. It was released on October 19, 1993, via Columbia Records as the second single from Carey's third studio album, Music Box. Originally intended for Gloria Estefan, the song was written and produced by Mariah and Walter Afanasieff. While writing the song, Carey did not connect to its style or sound, therefore forfeiting it over to the soundtrack of the film of the same name. However, after being convinced to keep it, she changed some of the lyrics to more precisely fit her personality. Lyrically, the song is regarded as one of Carey's most inspirational and personal ballads, with its protagonist declaring that even though people may feel discouraged or down at times, in reality, they are "heroes" if they look inside themselves and see their own inner strength; in time, it will help them "find the way". |
不定期上传,无操作不上传,看2021年能否有点进步! |
靠炒股赚钱很不靠谱的: 1)套住就死扛的,某一天持有股票破产退市,gameover 2)追涨杀跌的,在某一段时间会一买就跌,一卖就涨,资金持续缩水,gameover 3)搞价值投资的人重仓某股,结果持有的蓝筹股一下变成垃圾股,死不认输,套住最后gameover 4)每天做T赚差价,结果碰到一个超级熊市,股票下跌打三折,T的机会都很少,好多年翻不了身,gameover 5)高杠杆,依仗眼疾手快,结果某一天买到今天涨停,后面几天连续跌停的股票,一下被清盘,gameover 6)有内幕消息的,某一天庄家被套无奈只能故意透消息找人来接盘,进场接盘后发现庄家撤了 普通人靠炒股赚钱比较靠谱的策略(keepBetsmall 原创): 1)分散投资,每支股票最安全的投入为总资金的2%; 2)不要追涨杀跌,实在忍不住,投入比例同上; 3)不重仓任何一支股票; 4)超级熊市,清仓是上策; 5)不要用杠杆; 6)不要听内幕消息。 应用该策略包括且不仅限于以下条件: 1)十年以内的中国A股市场; 2)至少十年A股市场投资经验; 3)所有本金都是自有资金可用十年。 |
我们与永生的距离:吉尔伽美什计划 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/143169876 图灵的猫 科技盐究员 发布于 2020-05-24 591 人赞同了该文章 1980年,德国,一名叫steve horvath的少年翻开了一本被称为世界上最古老英雄史诗的书,书中的一个章节讲述了古代苏美尔传说中的著名英雄吉尔伽美什寻找永生的故事,让他深受触动: 吉尔伽美什是古代美索不达米亚地区,苏美尔王朝乌鲁克城的国王。 好友恩奇都被神惩罚而死,吉尔伽美什感到极度恐惧,但勇敢的他随即下定决心要战胜死亡。 历经奥德赛式的苦难旅程,用尽了100多根船桨,他终于渡过了死亡之海,向永生者乌特纳比西丁探索生死的奥秘。 乌特纳比西丁接待了他,却没有解答他关于生死的疑问,而是给了他一个考验:6天7夜不睡觉。 吉尔伽美什虽是英雄,但也无法超脱人类的生理束缚,所以,他失败了。 乌特纳西比丁的妻子心地善良,悄悄告诉他去海底可以找到令人永生的药草,但不幸的是这棵草却被蛇偷吃。 吉尔伽美什终于明白,自己注定得不到永生的奥秘,只好空手返回乌鲁克。 看完这个故事,少年心想,既然古代人类企图借助神明的力量获得永生,那么为什么不能尝试通过人类自己的科技实现永生呢?彼时,还未进入千禧年,生物科技、神经科学以及人工智能等领域都还处在萌芽期,但是年少的steve却充满了希望。 他认为,一个人的力量是有限的,永生需要涉及的科学领域非常多。 因此,他将这个故事与灵感分享给了自己的学习小组,小组中除了他之外还有两个人,分别是他的双胞胎兄弟Markus和他的好朋友Joreg。 从此之后,三人定期讨论数学、物理学和哲学等领域的问题与进展,围绕着如何利用科学来延长寿命的主题。 1989年,这三个德国少年在最后一次讨论中庄严约定,将终身致力于研究能延长人类寿命的科学。 这个计划被称为“吉尔伽美什计划”。 转眼30年过去了,这三位少年的约定,是否像大多数人童年时的幼稚宣言一样,随着成长与生活被遗忘呢? 答案是没有。 Joreg成为了德国波恩大学的计算机与人工智能科学家,Markus成为了一名专注于生物化学和遗传学领域的医学教授。 而三人中走的最坚定也最远的是Steve,1995年他在北卡罗来纳大学获得统计学博士学位,2000年获得哈佛大学生物统计学博士学位,随后进入UCLA,成为一名人类遗传学家兼生物统计学教授。 2014年,Steve在《自然》上发表了他的代表性研究:Horvath aging clock,通过细胞基因的甲基化信息来预测衰老和寿命。 吉尔伽美什计划,是一个真实的故事,直到今年,三人已经成立联合研究团队,并计划逐步实现年少时的约定。 而三位少年熠熠生辉的誓约之下,是人类对打破自然法则的渴望。 这,也是人类文明最璀璨的赞歌。 什么是死亡? 刘慈欣在《永生的阶梯》中这样描述死亡: 你在人生的平原上走着走着,迎面遇到一堵墙,这墙向上无限高,向下无限深,左右无限长……所有人在相差不到一个数量级的时间里遇到这堵墙,这是最大的平等,这堵墙就是上帝或大自然为人类社会设置的平等的底线。 这堵墙,从生物学上讲,是染色体端粒缩短与DNA错误累积的必然结果,而更深层的本质,是宇宙的熵增。 热力学第二定律告诉我们,一个封闭的系统会自发走向无序。 如果将宇宙看作一个封闭的系统,那么这个系统正变得越来越无序,恒星会死亡,黑洞会蒸发,甚至宇宙本身也会回归寂灭,而人类作为宇宙的一部分,当然也受到这样的规律限制。 更具体的,人体本身就是一套纠偏系统,引入负熵流,如氧气、水、食物,排出高熵流,如二氧化碳、代谢物等,以此修复饥饿、病毒、外伤所造成的损失。 这套系统在纠偏时自身也在逐渐堆积熵,而系统自身的熵在目前来看很难降低,比如癌细胞、器官衰竭。 随着熵的增大,总有一天会突破系统临界点导致系统崩溃,由此引起的就是呼吸系统、消化系统或者血液循环系统的崩溃。 这,就是死亡的根本原因。 对死亡的恐惧,是所有人类心中的达摩克里斯之剑,人们虚构出天堂与地狱,赋予死亡意义,有的人甚至活在终日恐惧中无法自拔。 永生,这个被争论多年的话题,则一直难有定论。 讲到这里,我们或许可以试着像吉尔伽美什一样,站在死亡的高墙之上,偷偷瞧一眼墙外的神奇。 如何实现永生? 严谨的说,学术中的永生并不是指与天地同寿,日月同光,而是合理、科学的尽可能延长高质量的生命跨度,最终目的是突破碳基生命的自然限制,利用科技实现一种,在不受到致命打击的情况下,理论上可以保持意识或肉体永恒存在的平衡态。 永生有很多学术流派,最古老的一派被称为内源派,其方向是在人体微观层面,比如细胞、基因,根本性地逆转自然衰老规律。 这一流派的技术路径最为复杂,涉及到众多人类还未可知的深层领域。 目前学术界还停留在人工合成的抗衰老药物和纳米机器人检测修复上。 1990年,丹尼尔鲁德曼通过实验证明,人体注射合成生长激素可以提高自身分解脂肪细胞、生长新的骨骼和肌肉细胞的能力。 同年,人类基因组计划正式启动。 20年后,李嘉诚与巴菲特相继投资了NMN等抗衰老药物的科研项目,并定期服用这类药物。 Paypal(国外的支付宝)创始人彼得蒂尔为了维持健康,甚至定期从年轻男性身体中有偿抽取血液,通过科学手段输给自己,因为根据哈佛大学的研究结果,这种方法可以让身体机能年轻化。 与此相对,再生派则是实用主义的完美体现。 所谓再生,顾名思义就是通过技术手段实现不同肢体的再生,比如克隆替换,这就像给汽车更换零件,哪里坏了换哪里。 这类技术简单粗暴,却更加实用,去年的换头手术就是难度最大的更换之一,但是取得了惊人的成功。 最终的目标就是转换为类似于《攻壳机动队》或是阿丽塔中的赛博朋克形态,一个人的寿命取决于所有零件中最短的那个 肉体永生的最大限制很可能不是技术,而是社会秩序。 现有的人类社会体制决定了阶级的存在,而最终结果是上层阶级的人先获得永生,而对于普通人来说,这样的结果是难以接受的,必然会爆发革命。 针对这个问题,有一种更加温和的流派出现,意识派。 在这一派的观点中,生命不局限于肉体的存在形式,而是意识。 即使肉身死亡,你也可以把意识上传到另一个新的载体,实现永生。 在《黑镜》S3E4中,人们可以将意识在死前上传到一个名为圣朱妮佩洛的虚拟空间,这个空间类似于一种人造天堂,人类不依赖于肉体即可活在意识世界中。 每个人都有选择是否上传的权利,你可以在其中进行科研、旅游、享乐等任何你想做的事,也可以在享受一切美好之后坦然接受死亡。 现实中,类似的尝试多不胜数,2011 年,俄罗斯媒体大亨德米特里伊茨科发起了2045计划,耗费巨资雇佣大量科学家研究人脑移植与意识永生。 2016 年 7 月,埃隆马斯克在旧金山成立了神经技术公司 Neuralink,研究方向包括人脑与计算机的融合,以及意识载体的更换。 从技术层面来看,意识永生的困难不在于脑机接口,也不在于信号复制,而在于过程同步。 举个例子,如果有两台硬件上一模一样的电脑,把其中一台电脑中存储的一切复制到新的电脑上,是否能说这台新的电脑还是你自己?问题的关键在于这个单向复制过程中,原始电脑的所有进程状态(也就是我们的自我意识与思维)是否被同步复制。 换句话说,意识上传中,不允许出现两个自己,上载后需要完全保持状态同步。 任何一个微小的进程没有瞬时状态同步,那么即便完成了意识克隆,也会逐渐形成思维差异,最后分裂另一个自己。 这就像是人格分裂,只不过失调发生在同一个载体的不同时间。 同步技术的瓶颈导致了学术界目前还没有什么大的进展。 不过,相对于肉体永生,意识上传不占用大量资源,不增加实际人口负担,对社会构造影响最小,是目前来看最为稳妥的永生方式。 结尾 人类的历史就是不断提高生命质量和长度的历史。 从石器时代,人类平均寿命不到20年,到近代的40年,再到近半个世纪人均寿命的大幅提升,都得益于科技的发展、文明的进步。 虽然吉尔伽美什没有找到永生,但面对死亡,他却多了几分从容与智慧。 接受死亡,但也不屈服于死亡,这就是人类。 敢于挑战自然规则,就是勇气的赞歌。 随着技术的发展,横亘在人类面前的死亡之墙也许会被拆掉,人生的平原将无限广阔,活着也不再只是平庸的工作与学习,而会被赋予更自由的含义。 不过,还有一个问题值得思考:如果有一天,人类实现了永生,死亡会失去意义吗?在小说《永生》中,博尔赫斯写道: 永生是无足轻重的;除了人类之外,一切生物都能永生。 因为它们不知道死亡是什么。 死亡能让人们变得聪明而忧伤,他们为自己朝露般的状况感到震惊。 他们的每一个举动都可能是最后一次;每一张脸庞都会像梦中所见那样模糊消失。 ” 对永生的追求,不代表我们应抛弃对存在与消逝的永恒思考。 死亡的意义在于提醒我们去珍惜眼前的一切,而这种珍惜也反过来推动着人类对进步的渴望,这种渴望,几千年来从未泯灭过,这种渴望,创造了灿烂的人类文明,创造了基因工程、人工智能、生物科技,和一切我们引以为豪的现代人类科技,也是这种渴望,让我们面对疫情、面对灾难,始终有战而胜之的勇气与毅力。 也许永生遥遥无期,也许宇宙只是一场盛大的梦幻泡影,但为翻越这堵墙而做出贡献的所有人类,都是这场恢弘的吉尔伽美什计划中,熠熠生辉的一员。 |
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202101/15/WS6000cdcaa31024ad0baa2b5b.html WHO team for virus origin-tracing arrives in Wuhan By WANG XIAODONG | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2021-01-15 07:03 An international expert team from the World Health Organization arrived in Wuhan, Hubei province, and started quarantine at a hotel in Wuhan on Thursday to work with its Chinese counterparts on origin-tracing and scientific research of the novel coronavirus. The team landed at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport on Thursday morning, where they received throat swab and serum antibody tests for the coronavirus before going into a 14-day quarantine, according to China Global Television Network. Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular news briefing in Beijing on Thursday that, during their quarantine, the WHO experts will have exchanges via video link with Chinese scientists and medical experts. All of the team members had multiple tests for COVID-19 in their home countries before traveling. The WHO confirmed the arrival of the international team of 13 scientists in Wuhan in a post on social media, which also said that another two scientists are still in Singapore to be retested after they tested positive for antibodies associated with COVID-19. Before the visit, WHO expert teams on origin-tracing of the novel coronavirus had visited China twice, in February and July, at China's invitation. The two sides have kept exchanging information on the latest progress in origin-tracing and worked together to formulate a plan on cooperation with China under a broader plan for global cooperation on origin-tracing of the virus. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at an earlier media briefing that he was pleased that the team, with members from countries including the United States, Russia and Japan, would travel to China for joint scientific research on origin-tracing with its Chinese counterparts. "Scientific evidence will drive hypotheses, which will then be the basis for further, longer-term studies," he said."This is important not just for COVID-19, but for the future of global health security and to manage emerging disease threats with pandemic potential." It will be a very difficult task to find the origin of the novel coronavirus, and no significant progress has been made over the past year, some experts have said. Although some of the earliest COVID-19 cases were reported at Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan in December 2019, no evidence was found to link the market with the origin of the coronavirus, despite great efforts by Chinese researchers to find an answer, Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an earlier interview. The latest research and discoveries about earliest cases of the virus in some other countries have pointed to the possibility that the virus may have existed in nature for a long time before the earliest COVID-19 cases were reported, he said. |
https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/special_coverage/2020latestdata |
Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts as Jill Biden holds the Bible during the 59th Presidential Inauguration at the US Capitol in Washington, US, on Jan 20, 2021. |
Groundhog Day is a popular North American tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this day sees its shadow due to clear weather, it will retreat to its den and winter will persist for six more weeks; but if it does not see its shadow because of cloudiness, spring will arrive early. |
China has successfully landed a spacecraft on Mars, state media announced early on Saturday. The six-wheeled Zhurong robot was targeting Utopia Planitia, a vast terrain in the planet's northern hemisphere. The vehicle used a combination of a protective capsule, a parachute and a rocket platform to make the descent. The successful touchdown is a remarkable achievement, given the difficult nature of the task. Only the Americans have really mastered landing on Mars until now. With this landing, China becomes the second country to put a rover on Mars. Zhurong, which means God of Fire, was carried to Mars on the Tianwen-1 orbiter, which arrived above the planet in February. The time since has been spent surveying Utopia, taking high-resolution images to pinpoint the safest place to put down. The aim with all such ventures is to pick a spot, as far as possible, that is devoid of imposing craters and large boulders. Chinese engineers have to follow events with a time lag. The current distance to Mars is 320 million km, which means radio messages take almost 18 minutes to reach Earth. Every stage of the Zhurong's approach to the surface therefore has to be managed autonomously. The entry (into the atmosphere), descent and landing strategy follows a familiar architecture. At the chosen moment, the rover, encased in an aeroshell, is released from the Tianwen orbiter and dives downwards. A heatshield on the capsule slows the fall by pushing up against the Martian air. A parachute then opens to reduce the velocity still further. Finally, the robot breaks away on a rocket-powered bench for the manoeuvres that take it to the ground. It is a daunting challenge, but China has shown great competence of late in its space endeavours, which have included putting two rovers on the Moon. Now that Zhurong has got down successfully, scientists will try to get at least 90 Martian days of service out of it, studying the local geology. A day, or Sol, on Mars lasts 24 hours and 39 minutes. The robot looks a lot like the American space agency's (Nasa) Spirit and Opportunity vehicles from the 2000s. It weighs some 240kg and is powered by fold-out solar panels. A tall mast carries cameras to take pictures and aid navigation; five additional instruments will help assess the mineralogy of local rocks and look for any water-ice below ground. |
As explorations on the Red Planet continue, a Cornell scientist questioned whether life discovered on Mars might have actually "originated on Earth in NASA labs," The Hill reported. Christopher Mason, a professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, said such a scenario could have occurred despite rigorous cleaning processes and spacecraft assembly in specialized rooms. Mason wrote in depth about the subject in an article for the BBC. Spacecraft, like NASA's Mars rover, Perseverance, are built in thoroughly sterilized rooms - with air filters and strict biological procedures - one layer at a time, with all equipment cleaned before it is added to the machine, he explained. These methods restrict bacteria, viruses, or fungi on machinery to be sent on a mission. "But, it is almost impossible to get to zero biomass on a spacecraft," wrote Mason. "Microbes have been on Earth for billions of years, and they are everywhere. They are inside us, on our bodies, and all around us. Some can sneak through even the cleanest of clean rooms." In two recent studies conducted by Mason, he highlights how some organisms might survive the cleaning process and also the trip to Mars, as well as how fast microbial species can grow while in space. "It turns out that clean rooms might serve as an evolutionary selection process for the hardiest bugs that then may have a greater chance of surviving a journey to Mars," he wrote. Clean rooms at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory pose the greatest risk as evidence of microbes with greater resistance against radiation and cold environments have been found. Mason added that if these microbes appear on Mars, it would cause what researchers refer to as "forward contamination," which is when humanity might bring something from one planet to another, intentionally or unintentionally. He warned that the microbes can "wreak havoc" when they arrive at a new ecosystem and that they may also pose detrimental threats to astronaut's health. Perseverance landed on Mars in February and began looking for signs that might indicate ancient life on the Red Planet. NASA said it has been taking extra precautions to ensure all samples returned from Mars will be safely contained. Scientists, however, are aware that tests may need to be conducted to ensure findings are Martian in origin. |
Lue Elizondo, the former head of a Pentagon project to investigate UFO sightings, said that some objects seemed to defy what was believed to be technologically possible. "Imagine a technology that can do 6-to-700 G-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space. And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity," he said. |
'Father of hybrid rice' passes away at 91 Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, renowned for developing the first hybrid rice strain that pulled countless people out of hunger, died of illness at 91 on Saturday. The top rice scientist in China passed away in a hospital in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, at about 1 pm, according to the hospital and other sources. |
Tianzhou 2 cargo ship docks with Tianhe core module, becoming first visiting spacecraft to station Tianzhou 2, a robotic cargo ship launched on Saturday evening, docked with Tianhe — the recently deployed core module of the country's permanent space station — early on Sunday morning, according to the China Manned Space Agency. The cargo ship flew with a Long March 7 carrier rocket that blasted off at 8:55 pm at a coastal launchpad at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in the southernmost island province of Hainan. After a 10-minute flight atop the 53-meter rocket, the craft entered a low-Earth orbit, unfolded its solar panels and then began to execute the rapid autonomous rendezvous and docking procedures that lasted about eight hours, the agency said in a statement. Tianzhou 2 successfully docked with Tianhe's rear hatch at 5:01 am. Next, it is programmed to conduct autonomous refueling operations and carry out some tests on equipment, according to the statement. When astronauts from the Shenzhou XII spacecraft board on Tianhe, they will move living materials and mission payloads from Tianzhou 2 to the core module. |
东部战区新闻发言人施毅陆军大校表示,8月17日,中国人民解放军东部战区出动作战舰艇、反潜机、歼击机等多军种力量,在台岛西南、东南等周边海空域组织联合火力突击等实兵演练,检验战区部队一体化联合作战能力。 近期,美台频频勾连挑衅,发出严重错误信号,严重侵犯中国主权,严重破坏台海和平稳定,已成为台海安全风险的最大祸源。 此次演练,是根据当前台海安全形势和维护国家主权需要采取的必要行动,是对外部势力干涉和“台独”势力挑衅的严正回应。 东部战区将持续加强战备训练,有决心有能力挫败一切“台独”分裂活动,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整。 |
新华社北京9月25日电 经中国政府不懈努力,当地时间9月24日,孟晚舟女士已经乘坐中国政府包机离开加拿大,即将回到祖国,并与家人团聚。 (完) |
“资本是社会主义市场经济的重要生产要素,在社会主义市场经济条件下规范和引导资本发展,既是一个重大经济问题、也是一个重大政治问题,既是一个重大实践问题、也是一个重大理论问题,关系坚持社会主义基本经济制度,关系改革开放基本国策,关系高质量发展和共同富裕,关系国家安全和社会稳定。 必须深化对新的时代条件下我国各类资本及其作用的认识,规范和引导资本健康发展,发挥其作为重要生产要素的积极作用。 ” |
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